Guest Post: Twitter Chats for Bloggers

If you are a beginner or experienced blogger, you know that social media is pretty much a requirement for getting your posts seen and read. However, promoting your posts on Facebook and Twitter isn’t enough. You have to interact and post appealing content for your readers to engage with. One easy way to meet new blogger friends and spark up collaborations is through Twitter. I first “met” Joanne in a Twitter chat a few weeks ago, and I was happy to offer up a guest post.

Twitter chats are fast-paced ways to interact with other Twitter users while discussing a particular topic. Most Twitter chats have moderators who ask questions to get the discussion going. There are several types of chats in a variety of areas. Social media, technology, blogging, marketing, and finance are some popular topics. The easiest thing to do to get started with Twitter chats is to mark off time in your calendar. Take a look at this list of Twitter Chats For Bloggers that I created. There are many chats that are specific to bloggers, but there are some that are relevant and can provide topic ideas (For example, I participate in a personal finance chat once a week to learn more about budgeting).

Find a few chats that work with your schedule and set a Google Calendar alert. I never miss a chat and am rarely late since my calendar app reminds me to attend!

I have tried a few tools for monitoring Twitter chats, but the easiest one that I recommend is Twubs. Visit and search for the hashtag for the party you want to attend. At first, you might be overwhelmed by this website. However, I promise that in time you will be an expert! You can set the chat speed to slow, medium, or fast so you don’t get lost. You can view all the chat contributors on the sidebar so you can see who has participated in this Twitter chat before.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when attending Twitter chats. Everyone is helpful and can guide you to a proper resource to participate. What are your favorite Twitter chats? Have you used them for marketing yet?

Twitter Chats


Krystal Butherus
Lifestyle + Weddings Blogger

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