Just Say Hello Campaign- Working to Combat Loneliness

Hey Guys!! I hope you are all having a fantastic day so far. Yesterday morning I was sitting around watching my usual morning tv and I happened to have caught an interview with Gayle King. Gayle we all know as Oprah’s BFF but she is also co-anchor on CBS this morning and editor-at-large for O magazine. During the interview Gayle brought up the “Just Say Hello” Campaign. This campaign and the meaning behind it really caught my attention.

Oprah Winfrey urges people to “Just Say Hello”: “Every human being is looking for one thing, and that is to be validated, to be seen and to be heard” read the article at cnn.com

Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King are encouraging us to “just say hello”. This came about by realizing just how lonely a nation we live in. You would think that with all of the outlets we have out there to be social we would never be lonely. The fact is stats have shown that people have never been more lonely. We spend a great deal of time hiding behind all of these social media outlets and a lot less time getting out there and being social with actual people face to face. That is where this initiative comes in.

Oprah and Gayle have teamed up with Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Skype in this campaign. The “just say hello” campaign will launch in the March 2014 issue of O magazine. How serious is this issue of loneliness you may be asking:

Gupta writes that at any given time, at least one in five people suffers from some degree of loneliness. Studies have shown that it can increase a person’s mortality risk by 45 percent, more than obesity or excessive alcohol use. Elderly lonely people are 64 percent more likely to develop dementia, he adds. Read the full eonline article here.

Let’s all take a lesson from this and start meeting more people and taking chances out there instead of hiding behind our computer, tablet and phone screens. Oprah, Gayle and Dr Gupta are hoping that this will catch on and are looking for people to tell them about there “just say hello” experiences by sharing them via social media using the hashtag #JustSayHello. What do you think of this campaign? I love it and think it is so important especially in this time where our upcoming generations spend so much time doing things via social networking instead of just getting out there. Share a story here with us on how you have reached out of your comfort zone to get out there and make a new connection or friend! I can not wait to hear your story!

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Just Say Hello Campaign

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